Thursday, June 6, 2013

Train Cases

Initials, Inc. has the cutest train cases that are functional in so many ways.

You can use them for the ever popular make-up case with traditional monogram.....

Train Case in Berry with Aqua Dots font

Train Case in Koi with White Tickled font

Or use one for something specific and personalize it for that use. For example:

  • First Aid items with "Ouch!" personalization
  • Fill it with items us girls need on the fly sometimes (hair ties, tampons, bobby pins, Tide-to-go pen, etc.) and keep it in the car personalized with "Just in Case"
  • Kids toys personalized with "Let's Play!"
  • Great bridesmaids gifts personalized with their name or even "Bridesmaid", "Maid/Matron of Honor", etc
  •  Doggie toys on-the-go personalized with the pet's name
You can use it for whatever you need to use it for! They are only $30 and come in a variety of colors. You can order directly online at